The Biblical Definition of Man and Woman
In the beginning, God created mankind with intentionality and purpose. The Bible is clear and unwavering in its definition of man and woman:
Man (Biblical Definition):
A human being created by God as male from conception, designed to lead, provide, protect, and glorify God through his role in creation. Genesis 1:27 states:
"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Woman (Biblical Definition):
A human being created by God as female from conception, designed to be a helper suitable for man, a nurturer of life, and a reflection of God's glory in her unique role. Genesis 2:18 confirms:
"And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.'"
From creation, God designed two sexes—male and female. There is no third option, no fluidity, and no in-between. Every person is either a man or a woman by divine order, not by subjective feelings or cultural trends.
The Secular Definition of Man and Woman
The modern secular world, fueled by humanism and rebellion against God, has attempted to redefine the meaning of male and female. The world's definition follows subjective gender identity rather than biological reality:
Man (Secular View): Anyone who identifies as a man, regardless of biological sex.
Woman (Secular View): Anyone who identifies as a woman, regardless of biological sex.
This rejection of God’s order leads to chaos, confusion, and the destruction of truth itself. Instead of defining sex based on God’s unchangeable design, the world now defines it by feelings and deception.
The Definition of a Human Being
Biblical Standpoint on Humanity
- A human being is created by God in His image (Genesis 1:26-27) and is distinct from animals. Human life has intrinsic value because it reflects God's character.
- Humans are male and female from conception. (Psalm 139:13-14)
- Humans are born sinners but capable of redemption through Christ. (Romans 3:23-24)
- Humans do not determine their identity; God does. (Isaiah 45:9)
Secular Standpoint on Humanity
Secularism, rooted in atheism and evolutionary theory, sees human beings as mere products of evolution of planet of apes, with no divine purpose or absolute truth. The world now believes:
- Gender is a spectrum, not binary.
- Humans can redefine themselves at will.
- Feelings override biological and spiritual reality.
- All human are from apes, apes help other apes strong, apes hate the biblical God - according to darwin
The Lie of Transgenderism: A Delusion, Not an Identity
The idea that someone is "trapped in the wrong body" is not a scientific reality but a psychological and spiritual deception. The Bible does not recognize the existence of a "transgender person" because such a category does not exist in God's created order. Instead, those who claim to be transgender fall into two groups:
Mutilated Men/Women – Those who undergo surgery to remove or alter their reproductive organs in an attempt to "become" the opposite sex. These individuals have not changed their sex but have mutilated their bodies (Leviticus 19:28).
Pretenders (Cosplayers) – Those who keep their biological sex intact but dress, behave, and demand to be treated as the opposite sex. This is not transitioning but role-playing—a deception rooted in delusion.
Harsh Truth: A man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man. The term "transgender" is incorrect—it should be called mutilated man or mutilated woman for those who undergo surgery, or simply deluded pretenders for those who do not.
What Does the Bible Say?
"A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God." (Deuteronomy 22:5)
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality…" (1 Corinthians 6:9)
Those who reject their God-given sex are rebelling against God Himself. It is not love to affirm a lie—it is love to tell the truth and call people to repentance.
The Consequences of Rejecting God’s Design
The acceptance of transgender ideology has led to:
Psychological Damage –
Suicide rates remain extremely high even after "transitioning." Why? Because the real issue is spiritual brokenness, not biology.
Irreversible Physical Harm –
Hormones and surgeries cause permanent damage to bodies, making people lifelong medical patients.
Moral Collapse –
The world now encourages children to "choose their gender," openly rejecting God's order.
The Biblical Call: Repent and Submit to God
The only hope for those trapped in the lie of transgenderism is repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. God calls men to be men and women to be women—anything else is rebellion. There is no such thing as transgender—only deception and mutilation.
To those struggling with gender confusion: Christ can redeem you. You are not trapped—you are deceived, and you need the truth of God's Word to set you free (John 8:32).
May God open the eyes of those who are lost, and may the church stand firm in the truth.
Understanding Transsexualism and Gender Dysphoria from a Biblical Perspective
Transsexualism, also referred to as transgenderism, Gender Identity Disorder (GID), or gender dysphoria, is the experience of feeling that one's biological, genetic, or physiological sex does not align with the gender identity they personally perceive or believe themselves to be. This condition leads individuals to feel a deep disconnect between their physical bodies and their internal sense of gender. Many who identify as transsexual or transgender describe their experience as being “trapped” in a body that does not match their perceived true gender.
To resolve this perceived incongruence, individuals with gender dysphoria often engage in behaviors associated with the opposite sex. This may include transvestism or transvestitism—dressing and presenting as the gender with which they identify. In addition, many pursue medical interventions, such as hormone therapy, to alter their secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., deepening or softening of the voice, breast development, changes in muscle mass, etc.). Some may go further and seek gender reassignment surgery (also called sex-change surgery) to make their physical body conform more closely to their gender identity.
Biblical Perspective on Transgenderism
The Bible does not explicitly mention transgenderism or directly describe individuals experiencing transgender feelings. However, it provides clear teachings on human sexuality and gender. The most foundational biblical principle regarding gender is that God, in His sovereign design, created only two distinct sexes—male and female. This is established in Genesis 1:27, which states:
"So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."
This verse affirms that gender is not a fluid or subjective construct but rather a fixed biological and spiritual reality, designed by God at creation. In contrast, modern ideologies that propose multiple genders, gender fluidity, or a gender spectrum are entirely foreign to the biblical worldview.
Although the Bible does not explicitly address transgenderism, it does condemn behaviors that blur the distinctions between male and female roles, such as homosexuality and transvestitism. For example:
Romans 1:18–32 speaks about humanity rejecting God’s natural order, which leads to various forms of sin, including sexual immorality.
1 Corinthians 6:9–10 warns that “effeminate men” (a term referring to men who behave in a way contrary to their biological sex) and “homosexual offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Deuteronomy 22:5 states: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.” This Old Testament law affirms the importance of maintaining the gender distinctions God established.
Based on these passages, it is evident that any form of gender confusion or distortion—whether homosexuality, transvestitism, or transgenderism—is inconsistent with God’s created order and is classified as sin in the Bible.
Is There a Biological Basis for Gender Dysphoria?
Some argue that transgenderism may have a biological or neurological component, meaning that a person’s brain may be wired in a way that does not match their biological sex. While the Bible does not explicitly discuss such cases, it also does not mention rare biological conditions like hermaphroditism (intersex conditions), where a person is born with both male and female sexual characteristics. Yet, despite its silence on such conditions, the reality of their occurrence is undeniable.
It is possible that certain neurological or genetic factors could contribute to gender dysphoria, just as biological factors influence various other psychological and physiological conditions. However, the existence of a biological basis for a condition does not automatically justify embracing or acting upon it. For example:
Some individuals may have an inborn tendency toward heightened sexual urges, but that does not make sexual immorality permissible.
Scientific studies indicate that some sociopaths and psychopaths have brain abnormalities that reduce impulse control, but this does not make violent or deviant behavior morally acceptable.
Likewise, even if some cases of gender dysphoria have a biological basis, that does not mean it is right or healthy to affirm and act upon those feelings. Instead, biblical truth calls individuals to conform their lives to God’s design rather than yielding to distorted desires or feelings.
The Hope of Redemption Through Christ
Regardless of whether gender dysphoria arises from genetic, hormonal, physiological, psychological, or spiritual causes, the gospel offers hope and transformation to all who struggle with it. Through faith in Jesus Christ and reliance on the Holy Spirit, people can experience healing, renewal, and restoration in accordance with God's will.
1 Corinthians 6:11 provides a powerful example of God’s transforming grace:
"And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
This passage follows a list of sinful behaviors, including sexual immorality and effeminacy, yet it declares that those who turn to Christ can be washed (cleansed of sin), sanctified (set apart for holiness), and justified (declared righteous before God).
No one is beyond the reach of God's grace, including those who struggle with transgender feelings. God's forgiveness and power can bring true identity and purpose to every person who surrenders to Him.
While the modern world promotes gender fluidity and self-identification, the Bible upholds a clear and unchanging standard: God created only two sexes—male and female. Any deviation from this design, whether through transgenderism, homosexuality, or other forms of gender distortion, is a result of humanity’s fallen nature. However, through Jesus Christ, all people—including those struggling with gender identity—can find redemption, healing, and a restored relationship with their Creator.
Ultimately, rather than reshaping our bodies or identities to fit personal perceptions, the biblical call is to conform our hearts and minds to God’s truth and trust in His divine plan for our lives.
큰시온 Eliyahu Ezra