Mastodon Consent Preferences Pilgrim Progress

Pilgrim Progress

Though I may now live on this earth,

My spirit is stepping on Heaven's ground,

Where my Lord is and there is no tears,

There is found my hidden hope,

All those I miss when I think upon them,

Sometimes my heart is pounding

as I wait for it,

Where my Father Elohim embraces me in His wide stretched arms,

There is found my hidden hope.

Until I reach my Lord's Kingdom,

I will not stop my pilgrimage progress,

From this world to which is to come.

I realized I am a wretched sinner,

but Christ is a great Saviour,

No matter what trails come I am not afraid,

On this road I am with my Lord.

First and foremost, I am a citizen of the celestial city— So, too, is every Christian.

My evidence that I am saved does not lie in the fact that I preach,

or that I do this or that.

All my hope lies in this: that Jesus Christ came to save sinners.

I am a sinner,

I trust Him,

then He came to save me,

and I am saved.

Call me whatever. God chose me.

I was His enemy and had no desire for Him.

Left to myself, I would be bound for hell.

Let the will of man dogs bark, but my caravan is moving on.


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