Poetry has always been a way to express the inexpressible—emotions too deep for ordinary words or too vast for simple prayers. It's a unique form of art that, when combined with faith, can (and will!) bring us closer to God. Whether writing or reading a poem, we can express to God our every emotion—joy, sorrow, confusion, peace, just to name a few.
The Psalms: A Prayer for Every Season
The Psalms are some of the most heartfelt and honest expressions of worship in the Bible. Whether it’s David’s cries of desperation in Psalm 42 ("As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God") or the praise of God’s faithfulness in Psalm 100 ("Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth"), they give us words when we can't find our own. We can turn to the Psalms in moments of doubt or joy, allowing the words to guide us back to the truth of God’s presence in our lives.
Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." With this in mind, we can use the Bible to keep our eyes on God—building trust during difficult times, convicting us when we stray, and so much more! This is no different for the poetry of Psalms; the Holy Spirit calls us to follow Him through songs and praise.
Reading Others' Poetry: A Shared Journey
While writing our own poetry can be an intimate experience with God, reading the poetry of others has a unique way of drawing us closer to Him. There’s something powerful in encountering the words of those who have walked similar paths of faith, doubt, joy, and struggle. Sometimes, reading a poem can feel like hearing our own thoughts spoken by another person—words we couldn’t find ourselves.
I've read and heard poems by other poets who have gone through things I have, and God has allowed me to hear those poems at just the right moment to encourage my faith. It's easy to feel alone in a struggle, wrestling with isolation and uncertainty, but through poetry, we see how others have navigated their faith, inspiring us to continue our own walk. Alongside this, a poet may offer a new perspective on something, making it easier to navigate through difficult times.
A Personal Journey: How Writing Poetry Helps My Faith
I've always found comfort in writing poetry. Growing up with speech impediments (which I still struggle with to some extent), I found it difficult to find the right words to express my thoughts, and when I do, people have not always been able to understand my speech. In this, poetry has been a way not only to set aside time to search for the right words, but also to communicate complex ideas through imagery, allowing me to express myself in a way that still makes sense, even when direct speech feels challenging.
God has used this practice in my life to bring me closer to Him. Writing poetry has become an intimate act of surrendering my heart before God. Each poem can be a prayer or worship session, focusing solely on God, allowing me to express gratitude, fear, doubt, or joy to a God that listens lovingly. Sometimes I read my poems out loud in prayer, imagining God enjoys the art, much like a parent hanging up a child's drawing on the fridge.
Now, God has blessed me with the opportunity to be a published author and poet, and He has also allowed me to write as a columnist here at Calvinfelineism. Through these platforms, I’m able to share the reflections, struggles, and joys that have shaped my walk with Him. It is a privilege to use poetry and writing not only to express my faith but to encourage others on their own spiritual journeys.
When Hearts are Heavy (Luke 7:36-50)
When hearts are heavy, burdened by their sin,
And guilt’s whispers are echoed deep within,
A divine love extends it's gentle hand
To lift the soul from deep within the sand;
In grace abound, new life can now begin.
For those who need it most, forgiven much,
Their faith and gratitude will keep His touch;
A life transformed by Mercy's tender care,
The weight is lifted up from solemn prayers.
In this, in Him, all who seek will find such.
The broken souls who feel the darkest shame
Are held by His hand, unearned, unashamed,
In darkest sands, His light begins to shine-
With grace and truth, he declares then “They’re mine!”
For them the most, they survive as unmaimed.
Whether through the Psalms, the poetry of others, or our own words, poetry remains a powerful tool in our walk with God. It helps us process and reflect on our emotions, deepen our relationship with Him, and connect with those who share similar journeys. In the end, poetry invites us to bring all our praise, thoughts, and emotions into the presence of God, where He meets us with love and understanding.